
Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Pros and Cons

Lately I’ve been focusing on a lot of the negatives concerned with moving. The prospect of living in a crappy apartment and working at a shit job is generating some anxiety. As the search continues, things are starting to shape up and the likelihood of that becoming a reality is diminishing. However, it’s hard to get it out of my mind until things are set in stone.

While that is a reality I have to face, I feel like I’ve been neglecting the pros. Since starting this venture, the standard comment has gone something like, “Do it now, while you’re young.” I always felt that paralleled a lot of other quests where people my age have ventured forth to see the world and began their adult lives. It dawned on me that I haven’t really seen the world. Yes, I’ve traveled to some races but I’ve mainly raced locally and always lived in central North Carolina. I haven’t really gone out and seen the world. I haven’t been backpacking in Europe or thumbed my way around Thailand, both of which seem to be popular these days. Moving to the Northeast will let me see new things, meet new people and gain an entirely new set of life experiences. Yes, there are unknowns in the future and from a certain perspective the darkness ahead is daunting, but that’s part of the beauty isn’t it. The adventure and mystique of the unworn path awaits.

Vermont…the current front runner for locale.

In addition to the drastic changes that are about to happen on the life front, I’m also incredibly excited about this year on the road aboard a shiny new Cannondale. I’m really looking forward to doing more national level races with a strong, dedicated team. While I’ve been on various teams the past few years, I’ve never been part of core group of riders that did almost every race together. Even last year on Mountain Khakis I only raced with the pro team sporadically and otherwise I usually only had one or two teammates. I can’t wait to race with six other guys week in and week out and really be a part of a team dynamic. We have experience, youth and strength. It should be good fun.

So there it is. The glass is half full again. All things considered, it’s shaping up to be a fun ride. The big news this year is that you will be able to come along and saddle up with me and in a forthcoming video diary. Once the season starts, I will be creating episodes every few weeks so you can get an inside look at top level amateur racing in the U.S. and the struggles we face in, “The Pursuit of Pro.” Stay tuned.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Feeling PRO...Kind Of

With another big year of racing ahead, my ebay account is about to see some serious action. The funds have to be replenished to sustain this lifestyle of the amateur bike racer clawing his way to the top. Don’t get me wrong, the support from is more than I had hoped for. Unfortunately amateur bike racing doesn’t quite pay the rent. So I’m cleaning house with some of my accumulated bike goods, a couple frames, wheels, my SRM that won’t work with my new Cannondale bike, etc.

While going through this stuff I had a fleeting PRO moment of selling all of my accumulated product to make some extra cash. Then I had the amateur moment when I remembered that I paid for most of this stuff and the money was going to pay rent because I don’t get a paycheck for racing my bike. Nice.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Can I Get A Hell Yes!

The reason for my recent lack of posts is very simple. The last month or so has been the most stressful time in my life, period. Day after day spent trying to find a team or a job, or both, and dealing with constant disappointment was tough on the psyche. Little glimmers would appear, sometimes allowing a moment of optimism, but it would never last. I can’t tell you how many e-mails I’ve sent in the past two months. It felt like I had a full-time job and that was even more disheartening because I wasn’t making a dime. I was ready to take anything, job, team, personal sponsorship, whatever. The search just kept dragging on and on. I thought it would never end.

Then, out of the mist, it appeared. I was offered a spot on I was busting my ass on all these intricate plans with personal sponsorship/ employment deals. Then the best offer I could have hoped for was just tossed my way. I couldn’t believe it. I guess sometimes things just work out.

So, needless to say, I’m pumped. My reverse of fortune has given me new life., formerly Fiordifrutta, is one of the most highly regarded amateur programs in the country. It seems like a great fit and I can’t wait to start racing. Training for the unknown was incredibly hard mentally but I now have renewed enthusiasm and the stinging desire to work hard and step it up. First things first though. The team is based in New England so I have to relocate, at least from April to September. I’m in process of researching possible relocation sites as well as trying to source some type of income for when I get there, any suggestions?

As of right now, Northampton, Mass. and Burlington Vermont are the front runners. I’m getting really excited about new roads, new people, new culture; it’s going to be interesting if nothing else. I have two schools of thought on the income situation. Part of me wants to be a modern day Cortez and the burn my ships. If I went up there and just worked at a coffee shop or something I would probably be more motivated to kick ass on the bike and try to get a pro contract for next year. I wouldn’t have any off-the-bike career distractions. I wouldn’t have that safety net. It would be success or nothing, like Cortez. The other part of me, the part that went to college and isn’t a dumb ass, wants to be in a situation that is going to benefit me when bike racing is no longer the priority. So we’ll see what opportunities are presented. Who knows, maybe things will just work out again.