After starting the day making waffles, perfecting my French press technique and watching it rain. I ran across this picture from Molly Cameron’s flick’r site from his trip to Belgium. Being under 150lbs., I generally shrugged off racing in Belgium as not fitting my body type. Maybe I should just gain some weight.
With bad weather and the same course, again, I decided to forgo the pleasure of a third race at Donaldson Center. Instead, I'll be going to the Team Mountain Khakis launch in Winston-Salem, NC. I'm really looking forward to meeting all the guys and getting a jump start on the work I'll be doing for the team this year. It should be a great way to spend the weekend and relax a bit before the last big push for the final upgrade points.
This week has been up and down. The training has been going great. The weather wasn't so bad and I was able to take full advantage of it since I'm not racing this weekend. My form is rising rapidly and I'm already much stronger than ever before. Maybe the antibiotics were killing me more than I thought. I also found out that I can get my hands on a power meter that I can afford, supposedly. With my eyes firmly set on making it to the next level, I don't want to leave anything to chance. I want to do everything possible to maximize my performance legally and get results, 100% clean, and training with power is a part of that.
The down side of the week was learning that there is going to be about a three week gap in my job. It has worked out great so far. It was the perfect balance I was looking for between a 9 to 5 and part time job. I made enough to live off of but was still able to train like I needed to. However, we were not able to lock in a job until early April so it looks like I'm out of work for a while, in that job. I'm pondering possibilities but regardless, I think it's going to be a tight month. Luckily, all my bike stuff is paid for so it's a matter of paying rent and bills, and oh yeah, eating. I honestly don't yet know how I'm going to do it. I've talked the talk, now it's time to walk the walk. I think this is going to be the first month that really tests my commitment. I've looked up to guys that had trouble finding gas money and entry fees and became bike racers the hard way. No national team or big pro contract out of the gate, they fought for their spot in the pro peloton and EARNED it the hard way. Fighting tooth and nail week in and week out. I've dreamt about it, now can I live it? Man, I'm getting so jacked up just talking about it I've got to get on the trainer before heading to Winston.
Next up, details on the weekend with the pros.