
Monday, February 2, 2009

Waffles, Coffee and Racing

I'm a bit tired from the weekend of great riding. Speedway races kicked things off on Saturday. Not my preferred venue and due to tactical issues, 5th in the B race was the best result I could manage. Things definitely could have been better but they also could have been worse. A couple more upgrade points was nice so I didn't walk away empty handed. Sunday was brutal but tons of fun. I'll take any hard ride that has hills in it, no matter how big or small. After it was said and done, I had about 7.5 hours in the legs, along with a lot of lactic acid at times. It feels good to get back in the swing of racing again and I'm content with where I'm at physically, so things are good. I'm extremely motivated to get the last few upgrade points so I can get down to business with my ITS-Kane teammates and I'm looking forward to the long, hard season.

I'm also looking forward to the ITS-Kane team camp next weekend. The weather is looking good, if we can get some 4-6 hour rides in shorts it will be perfect. I'll keep my fingers crossed. Pictures will certainly accompany the team camp post so stay tuned.

Nutritionally it was a very international weekend. I hoped to obtain some extra push from European influences, French roast coffee, Belgian waffles, pasta. The trifecta of fare from cycling crazy countries must not work on speedway races. I'll try again for the first weekend of REAL races.

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