I finally found some pictures from Fitchburg so there you go. The last few weeks have been crazy. I followed up a couple solid performances at the Piedmont Triad Omnium with the worst ride of the year at the French Broad Classic. I don't know what was up, I just didn't feel myself. But that's bike racing. It's time to move on and look at the last big push, the Crossroads Classic. Hopefully I can hold on to some form and finish off the road season on a good note. There are a couple more road races after Crossroads but I think it's about time to check out and take a little break before my cyclocross debut. I move out of the house here in Chapel Hill tomorrow. What comes next is a big question mark. Things are starting to shape up for next season but there are still some big decisions to be made. Like where I'm going to live. I'll keep you posted as I figure things out. Ok, so I should probably start packing.
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